Session (Governing Body)

The Presbyterian Church takes its name from the New Testament Greek word for "Elder": presbuteros. It describes the way the church is governed, with oversight resting on elected bodies at the congregational, regional and national levels.

The governing council in each congregation is called the Session, a body made up of men and women known as "Ruling Elders" who have been "set apart" by election and ordination into a supervisory role. The Session meets monthly to conduct the business of the church.

Ruling Elders at Patton Presbyterian Church generally serve for staggered three-year terms, with a third of the Session elected each year.  A Ruling Elder can serve at most two terms before being required to take at least 1 year off.  When a ruling elder is not on session, they still retain the title of elder for the church, which gives the capability to go back on session without being ordained a second time  along with permitting them to serve communion when the need arises.

The Current Ruling Elders of the church are : 
               Class of 2014:  Janet Merrill, Tony Sunseri
Class of 2015: Cheryl Kepshire, Linda Link, Sandy Morgan
Class of 2016: Nancy Finkle, David Finkle

Committees chaired by Ruling Elders/Elders  oversee many aspects of church life.

The Session Committees are:

Teaching Elder: Rev. David McCabe
Clerk of Session: Sandy Morgan
Education/Worship Committee:  Linda Link
Finance Committee: Cheryl Kepshire, Cindy Hammel
Mission Committee: Nathan Lechene, Chair
Property Committe: Tony Sunseri & David Finkle
Technology Committee:  David O'Hara and Nathan Lechene

 Other offices and committees and special assignments:

Sunday School Superintendent:  Irene Sunseri
Youth Group Leader: Jill Link and Rochelle Litzinger
Presbyterian Women Liaison: Diane Lechene
2014 Committees:
     Nomination Committee:
Jill Sunseri, Jane Sunseri, Sedona O'Hara
     Financial Secretaries: Martha Williamson, Jane Sunseri, Betty Lou Switzler
     Auditors:  David & Kathy Schaeffer